Bill Gates argued in his major speech of the year at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that many of the world’s problems are too big for private philanthropy — even on the scale of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - -and the solutions must come from free-market capitalism itself. He called it “creative capitalism.”
Gates and several othe rgiants of global business will engage this argument in a defining, groundbreaking book that will be edited by Michael Kinsley and published in late Fall 2008 in time for the Annual World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2009.
Kinsley has reached out to three others to join this elite group — Warren Buffet, Larry Summers and laura Tyson — all of whom are pleased to contribute. In addition, Buffett will be interviewed with Bill Gates on the subject for a Q & A that will appear in the book.
Other contributors will be announced soon.
Michael Kinsley is a distinguished political journalist, commentator, and television host. Representing the liberal position, he became known to television audiences as a co-host with conservative Pat Buchanan on the political debate show “Crossfire.” He is the founding editor of the online journal Slate and was named “Editor of the Year” by the Columbia Journalism Review in 1999. He is the former editorial and opinion editor for the Los Angeles Times and wrote a weekly column that appeared in the Washington Post. Kinsley currently is a regular columnist for Time magazine.
He is the author of PLEASE DON’T REMAIN CALM: Provocations and Commentaries.
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