Alexander Gordon Smith生於1979年,在六歲那年已經完成第一則故事,畢業於英國東英格蘭大學英文系University of East Anglia也成經營所屬的詩集出版社。目前居住英國諾福克(Norfolk, England)。
Alexander Gordon Smith was born in 1979 and began to write his first stories at the age of six. After leaving school he studied English literature at the University of
「熔爐」Furnace - 不僅僅是一個青少年觀護所,也是世界上最危險的監獄。它被建造在地球最深層的地方,不見天日,出口和入口只有一個,不過往往進去後就沒有人在出來過。因為在這死是唯一妳不用擔心的事!十三歲的Alex Sawyer因被控告謀殺被送進去,但究竟是什麼原因,在這法律制裁的背後讓他似乎沒有挽回的餘地,不過他相信正義最終會在他這邊,而他一定能逃離這如地獄般的處境,當他和同伴Zed在找尋出入的同時,也漸漸發覺這掩藏這監獄後可怕的秘密……
Beneath heaven is hell. Beneath hell is Furnace.
’They framed me for murder, condemned me to life in Furnace with its punishments and pain. I’ve got to get out of here. If I don’t, it could be me the Wheezers come for. Me who’s dragged screaming from my cell. Me who’s brought back scarred, twisted and hungry for blood.’
It is the near future and thirteen-year-old Alex is sent to Furnace Penitentiary - the toughest prison in the world for young offenders. Rowdy inmates and sadistic guards are the least of Alex’s problems here. In a desperate bid for freedom Alex and his friend Zed discover a horrifying truth behind Furnace . . . This is the first terrifying and surprising book in a series of three about Furnace.
Furnace Prison - Where death is the least of your worries. Escape is just the beginning…We thought we’d made it, we thought we were free. But we should have known there was no way out of Furnace. All we did was slip deeper into the guts of the prison: into solitary confinement, where the real nightmares live - the warden, the Wheezers, and something much, much worse. The clock’s ticking. Because if we don’t escape soon they will turn us into freaks - like them. Forever. In the darkness of the hole your worst nightmares come to life.
此系列目前規劃推出三集,Faber & Faber計畫今年四月推出第二集Furnace: Solitary,明年春季推出第三集Furnace: Death Sentence